Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hello beautiful people.Happy Easter! Hope you all are having the best of days.March is over and i'm super excited because the semester is gonna be over soon.Do you ever just feel like you've done something too long and you just want to move on to the next part? That's kinda how i feel about school right now.
I'm also really psyched about April because i'm doing a ''NO JUNK FOOD'' challenge.Exercising is great and its helping but i think what we eat is extremely important.I'm a bit of a fooodie, I loooooove food(some times too much).
I went through a comfort eating phase a couple of years back and it took a lot determination to stop.As happy as food makes me,its unhealthy to over indulge.
So i'll try not to eat any junk food for the whole month.One day at a time.
Here's what Easter looked like for moi...

love my funky new hair:)

I wish you all a very happy Easter.One filled with peace,love,happiness,all the blessings that this day brings and so much more.

Quote- You may not be perfect but Jesus thinks you're special:)- Anonymous

Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                                                 One bunny delivered kiss,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hello my lovelies,i feel like its been ages since i last wrote. I've missed this little world a lot.How are you guys doing.Hope everyone is warm and happy.
I haven't really posted cos my friend's lovely wife came to visit so he runs out of class and all the way home to see her(isn't love beautiful?:) he's also my photographer and i can't compete.Also i've been crazy busy with school and this course that is trying to turn my hair grey.But that's a story for another day.
I am freezing my everything off right now and that's partly my fault because i went out without ear muffs.(note to self...don't EVER do that again:). But its so cold here.its like fingers hurting,ears burning,i'm gonna miss my toes kinda cold.I don't know what happened to the sun.The first few days of the month were really warm and then mother nature went''Ha ha take this'' then the worst snow storm we've had in my few years here happened and it has refused to go away.:(
Dear spring,i know you are enjoying your little vacation but it would be really nice if you came back to work.We miss you.
                                                                                                     Everyone in this part of the world.

told you he takes off as soon as class is over:)

when are you going to leave us alone...

i'm freezing but i'll still smile because the weather forecast says the weekend will be warm! (doing the ultimate happy dance)

I wish you lots of love to keep you happy,peace through the troubles of life and help that shows up even when you don't know you need it.
Have a blessed and fabulous week.

 Quote-Always buy  a good pair of shoes and a good bed.If you aren't in one,you are in the other.-Gloria Hunniford.

                                                                                                             One long hug and a kiss,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hello loveys,hope everyone is having a great day.We are having a beautiful one here cos spring has come early.Its so sad that its going back next week and returning us to the freezer.But while its here,please go out and enjoy the sunshine.
I had a very slow but cozy weekend.Just me,my duvet,all my favorite movies and series,some pancakes and my sewing machine.(i don't know why i'm writing about last weekend when there's another one in two days but oh well...:)
Today is the first time i'm wearing anything leather that isn't a jacket. I just got this skirt and decided to try.It didn't hurt that it cost six dollars only! (very budget friendly) .Its really comfortable and easy.Tried it and now i'm in love.Had to change up a few things on it to make it fit better but it's well worth it...pasar bien

hello :)

added the zipper and waistband.(i'm getting better at using my zipper foot)

the day shall not come when this won't be one of my favorite shirts.

my new loves..knuckle rings

just because :)
So that's it for my day.Trying something new is a wonderful experience.Try,try,try everything.
Yay i just got something in the mail.Is it weird that i get so excited about mail? I dunno why but it makes me feel like someone thought of me.
Have a wonderful day and give somebody a reason to smile.
Quote- Don't fear death but rather a life unlived.You don't have to live forever,you just have to live.- Someone really smart.
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                                             Three kisses and a high five,

Saturday, March 2, 2013


See sometimes i fall and it may take me a while to get back up.
I get the answers wrong and some days i don't even know what questions to ask.
I'm not always as sunny as i would like to be and sometimes,i feel my insides fill with ice.
I have questions about the future and sometimes i find it hard to believe.
I run as hard and fast as my legs and strength will let me but every time i look up,it seems like the finish line is moved farther away.
I've been on this journey all my life but most times,i feel like i started yesterday.
I have questions you see and my mind wanders sometimes and i'm not always the perfect companion.
I know my tears may bug you some days and make you want to wish me away.
But i hope you can forgive me for being human and having these imperfect moments.
I truly pray you forgive me because you give me so many answers that make me wish i didn't have these questions but i have to remind myself that i'm only human so please forgive me.- Cynthia Chukwu

We all have those moments when we drift a little and it may be difficult to explain to the people that care about us why we are in a funk.Sincerely ,i think its a little difficult to understand why someone you are trying to get through to or be there for doesn't seem to want to let you.Or why a friend who is always so jolly just wants to be left alone.
I'm all ''hippidy hop'' most of the time but there are times i want to be left alone with my thoughts.
So if you find yourself in one of those moments and you can't or don't want to explain it.Its fine.You'll be up and out as soon as you are ready.
And if you are the friend or family that just wants to help please stick around.Some times solving the problem is not what someone needs.Its the assurance that the people who love  you will be there to remind you that they do.

Remember to live, laugh and love.
                                                                                                              One very squeezy hug,