Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hello my lovelies.I feel like i haven't written in ages! Life just got really busy and i felt like i was drowning in all of the stuff that i needed to do.
Do you ever feel like you don't even get enough time to stop and breathe? If you do then that's a sign that you should stop and breathe! 
Everything has been happening so fast.Classes ended,preparations for final exams,passing the exams( THANK YOU LORD:),finishing off stuff from school...the list could go on for a while.:)
So after all the crazy died down,i decided to take time off and just relax and now i'm back to my love...writing.
Hope you have been having sunny,happy and fulfilling days.
Today was amazing,i hung out with most of my classmates and we walked around the city center taking pictures for the year book.It was so much fun.i'm gonna miss these crazies.My feet hurt so much but it was totally worth it.
I feel like i'm not as excited as i should be for graduation.I have no idea  why but maybe it has something to do with the fact that i'll have to say goodbye to some wonderful people that have made my stay here oh so much better.I'm terrible at goodbyes... but that's a story for another day.Here's what my day looked like...Pasar bien:)

The  ladies that run my group ;)

Lunch...over feeding about to begin:)

I'm gonna miss this Crazie.

Something about these kinda dresses that makes me wanna twirl...:)

my trusty bodyguard;)

this bun took almost 30 minutes to joys and pains.

Ha,i'm finally done with this ''first time'' post.i'm gonna make sure i keep at this no matter how crazy life gets because the smile on my face now explains it all.
I wish you  and your loved ones all you want and need to keep you happy this week.
Last minute preparations for graduation...whew!  wish me luck.
Oh and to all the amazing dads out there...Happy Father's day!

Quote-Life is a succession of moments.To live each one is to succeed-Someone really smart.
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                                            With a prayer that peace stays close to you,


  1. Congrats with everything and I'm wishing you the best. Transitioning in life has to be the hardest thing because it always seems like when we finally start to "get it" it's time to let "it" go and move on to the next aspect of life that may not be completely understood yet. Regardless the outcome, I'm sure you'll rock!

    I love how, all bloggers always go missing when finals rolls around. LOL. I gets it's just a universal thing for us to do!

    Thanks for sharing your words and pictures ;).


    1. Thank you so much Kimberly.You GET IT! its truly difficult but i'm hoping for the best.Thanks again for stopping by.xo :)

  2. Cute outfit, love the flatforms :)

    Santenne of Crystallized Elements.
