Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hello fabulous person reading this.Thank  you for stopping by .I don't have the words to explain my joy at seeing the sun today.its been a while.Its so warm! Well its like one degree celsius but still,its warm! I'm not going to need my bulky coat soon and it'll soon be time to break out them sun shades and dresses! Ah the joy that is spring and summer.
By tomorrow,i'll have exactly three months left in school and my excitement is immeasurable.Finally..I'm thankful for all these years,the people i've met and lived with,all of it.
Been quite busy this week and yesterday,i received some jewelery i bought a while back and i was like a kid at Christmas.he he  he.Will be sharing all the information because the prices were ''AMALLZIN''.I hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are and i hope the sun is showing up for you too :)

my scalp wouldn't let me keep my braids so i'm ''wiggin'' it for a while:)

This cross earring is one of the pieces i got yesterday.I abso..friggin..lutely love it.

the flying coat move.Perfected by my groupmates.

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I just got a job! Simple one..yes and i'm going to be working for my sister but i'm so happy she considered moi to help.I should do a sister post soon.I have wonderful sisters and five of them too! Talk about never lacking somebody to borrow stuff from.:)
Thank you so much for reading.The week is almost over but i wish you pure joy in what is left of  it.

Quote-Find the life in your days.Its not enough to just be here.You have to feel alive.-Cynthia Chukwu
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                         With a prayer that the sun never goes down on you,

Friday, February 22, 2013


Hello my lovelies,welcome back to my blog.I hope this week was filled with lots of things and people that made you smile and feel warm.
Today was one of those days that i did two things that i've told myself i would never do and it felt great! he he he.I went ice skating! me! 
I've been here for years now and anytime the offer came up,i'd say ''no thank you''.Mostly because i really love myself and have you ever fallen on ice? its painful! But today i did it with a lot of help from two lovely people.
Then i saw the Adrenaline ride and i thought to myself ''maybe one more ?'' :)
i've seen this ride on a tv show before and it looked scary.I said no way i'm ever letting someone strap me on a chair and spin me in circles and upside down.But i did it today and i couldn't be happier.i was actually more relaxed on the ride but i was hanging on for dear life.

oh joy,i'm about to go get myself in trouble...

getting ready to hit the ice (don't mind that smile,my heart was in my tummy)

my very patient friend and teacher:)

''Cynthia leave the railing. Nooooooo''

i'm skating!

my companions for the day:) Thank you

After this craziness,i still went ahead and did this...

Vlog on my youtube channel.
aha! so that's the Adrenaline ride.

That was my day and all the magic it held for me.I fell once on the ice (actually pulled my friend down with me)but we got up kept trying.You should have seen people wasn't so bad cos we were laughing with them.
I know its probably not that big of a deal but its a huge deal for me to give up control and try something i've said a mental ''NO'' to.So i encourage you to step out of your comfort zone.Just a little.You'll be suprised with how much you'll enjoy the unusual.I pray for more days like this for you and me.
Enjoy your weekend and stay blessed and fabulous.
Remember to live laugh and love.
                                              With a large sprinkling of sparkle dust,

Monday, February 18, 2013


Hello beautiful,i hope you are having a great day.Been really busy lately and i'm not doing very well with posting regularly but as it is with everything else,it'll get better with time.
I'm feeling a little bright today.I have no idea why people say bright clothing shouldn't be worn in winter.I wore cream pants to school a few days back and my friend said  it was a no no.I still  don't get it.If you do please  explain to me.:)
You know for someone who is relatively tiny...petite;),i love wearing oversized clothing especially jumpers.Its like being wrapped in a warm hug all day.What's not to love about that!

This jumper was a gift from my lovely sister in-law.Thank you Gracie:)

i should stop buying scarves but i can't help it.They are so pweety!

I wish you a blessed and fun filled week.

Quote-Happiness isn't something you wish for,its something you make,something you do,something you are.- Anonymous
Remember to live,laugh and love.                          
                                                                                                One supersized squeezy hug and a kiss,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello there:)  welcome back to my blog. Let's talk a little about kindness.Saw a video my friend put up over the weekend and it left me with happy tears in my eyes.
Just reminded me of how little it takes to make someone feel better or happier and made me wonder why sometimes,it seems so difficult to try.
We live in a world where we have endless opportunities to help one another everyday but it just seems easier sometimes not to bother because there is almost always no time to stop or people are not always appreciative of acts of kindness.
I've learnt that we can give ourselves a hundred reasons why we can't or shouldn't do one little thing for someone else and we'd probably be right but then we only need zero reason to be nice and kind to one another.So just do something ,anything one little act of kindness every time you can.Truth is,it all comes back to you somehow.
This is the video.Its by an amazing organisation called ''Life Vest Inside''.Please watch,share and most importantly,act.

The sound track to this is a lovely song''one day by Matisyahu''.Went searching for it and i found it! yay!

Hope you enjoyed this as much as i did.It would be wonderful if we all went on a kindness diet along with the worry-free diet.Do something nice no matter how little or insignificant it might seem at the time,just do it.You might not get the ''thank you ''that you want or deserve but you'll feel good inside, this much i know is true.

Quote- Treat everyone kindly,people are angels in disguise.-movie quote from one of Tyler Perry's movies:)    
                                                                   With a prayer that you are a gift to everyone you know,

Monday, February 11, 2013


Hello my lovelies,hope you had a fabulous weekend.Just settling in after classes and i decided to to and outfit of the day post.Its been a while.
Finally got my hair braided after weeks of having it out.The cold air was drying it out and i really didn't like that so with the help of someone wonderful and patient,oh actually two people,i got it done on Saturday so yay! no styling for a while.
Today was one of those ''go to class and come straight home days'' .:( i miss my ''go to school and walk around afterwards and window-shop'' days.Spring i'm waiting patiently for you.
I learnt some wonderful things and was reminded of a few things over the weekend and i can't wait to share it all with you.*doing my happy dance*.
I have no idea why people dislike Mondays so much,its a new beginning,new week,new chance to make lasting memories.Don't mind me,i had a big bowl of joy for breakfast...

still in love with my boots!

hello from 1975:)

i remind me of my mum here.

Okie dokie artichokie (please don't judge me i learnt this from Charlie Sheen and i haven't been able to stop saying it and yes i am a big baby) he he he .I think that's it for now.
Thank you for reading and for all your lovely comments.
I wish you a fabulous week,filled with everything you want and need for you and those you love.Stay blessed and happy.

Quote-if opportunity doesn't knock,build a door.- Milton Berle.
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                                                       One wink and a big kiss,

Monday, February 4, 2013


Hello gorgeous,how is your day going.I'm having one of those days that smiling seems to be easier than worrying.Smiling is always easier than anything.
My weekend was the usual but someone special taught me something wonderful.
She said''you shouldn't bother yourself about things you have absolutely no control over.Things like tomorrow,what you'll be or do''.Very few and simple words but they sent the message home.
Sometimes as people we think and think and then think some more about stuff that we cannot change or control .And we may know this but we dwell on these issues,lose weight,sleep and joy over them and still nothing changes.
We think about all the negative ''what ifs '' and none of the positive.Its okay cos in the end we are only human but its unhealthy to worry too much.
Just let go and take it a day at a time.The great thing about that is that you start every day like a clean slate and do what you can with it.
Whatever is stressing you out now will not really matter in a little while so pull yourself up and out of that situation,relax and just breathe.
This is me having a worry-free day...:)

set the camera.i'm freezing!
oh hello:)

a nice hug always brightens my day.

shouldn't have touched that tree:)

My new boots! i love these babies:)
It might be difficult at first but you need to keep trying.Don't give anything or anybody permission to control your joy.You could read 2nd Peter chapter 5 vs 7 and Matthew chapter 6 vs 25-34 then ask for the the grace to believe.
I hope you give the ''worry-free'' diet a try.

Quote-Worrying is like a rocking gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere-Movie quote from Van Wilder(Source
Have a wonderful week.
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                            With a prayer that you stay positive and happy,