Monday, February 4, 2013


Hello gorgeous,how is your day going.I'm having one of those days that smiling seems to be easier than worrying.Smiling is always easier than anything.
My weekend was the usual but someone special taught me something wonderful.
She said''you shouldn't bother yourself about things you have absolutely no control over.Things like tomorrow,what you'll be or do''.Very few and simple words but they sent the message home.
Sometimes as people we think and think and then think some more about stuff that we cannot change or control .And we may know this but we dwell on these issues,lose weight,sleep and joy over them and still nothing changes.
We think about all the negative ''what ifs '' and none of the positive.Its okay cos in the end we are only human but its unhealthy to worry too much.
Just let go and take it a day at a time.The great thing about that is that you start every day like a clean slate and do what you can with it.
Whatever is stressing you out now will not really matter in a little while so pull yourself up and out of that situation,relax and just breathe.
This is me having a worry-free day...:)

set the camera.i'm freezing!
oh hello:)

a nice hug always brightens my day.

shouldn't have touched that tree:)

My new boots! i love these babies:)
It might be difficult at first but you need to keep trying.Don't give anything or anybody permission to control your joy.You could read 2nd Peter chapter 5 vs 7 and Matthew chapter 6 vs 25-34 then ask for the the grace to believe.
I hope you give the ''worry-free'' diet a try.

Quote-Worrying is like a rocking gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere-Movie quote from Van Wilder(Source
Have a wonderful week.
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                            With a prayer that you stay positive and happy,


  1. hi beautiful..i just found your blog and i was wondering ..would you be interested in following each other?
    KISSES :)

  2. Me Like! Lovely write-up and pictures

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thank you for visiting my blog and appreciated and i am now following you
    kisses :)

  5. I love your blog, definitely following now! Stay in touch xx

  6. Love ur hair!
    Ur face looks familiar tho.
    nice blog dear.
