Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hello fabulous person reading this.Thank  you for stopping by .I don't have the words to explain my joy at seeing the sun today.its been a while.Its so warm! Well its like one degree celsius but still,its warm! I'm not going to need my bulky coat soon and it'll soon be time to break out them sun shades and dresses! Ah the joy that is spring and summer.
By tomorrow,i'll have exactly three months left in school and my excitement is immeasurable.Finally..I'm thankful for all these years,the people i've met and lived with,all of it.
Been quite busy this week and yesterday,i received some jewelery i bought a while back and i was like a kid at Christmas.he he  he.Will be sharing all the information because the prices were ''AMALLZIN''.I hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are and i hope the sun is showing up for you too :)

my scalp wouldn't let me keep my braids so i'm ''wiggin'' it for a while:)

This cross earring is one of the pieces i got yesterday.I abso..friggin..lutely love it.

the flying coat move.Perfected by my groupmates.

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I just got a job! Simple one..yes and i'm going to be working for my sister but i'm so happy she considered moi to help.I should do a sister post soon.I have wonderful sisters and five of them too! Talk about never lacking somebody to borrow stuff from.:)
Thank you so much for reading.The week is almost over but i wish you pure joy in what is left of  it.

Quote-Find the life in your days.Its not enough to just be here.You have to feel alive.-Cynthia Chukwu
Remember to live,laugh and love.
                                                                         With a prayer that the sun never goes down on you,